
Driver Amit DB-Net/IP


Bacnet implementation

DB-Net/IP Bacnet
Simple variable AnalogInput
Simple variable AnalogOutput
Simple variable AnalogValue
Simple variable BinaryInput
Simple variable BinaryOutput
Simple variable BinaryValue
Array AnalogInput
Array AnalogOutput
Array AnalogValue
Array BinaryInput
Array BinaryOutput
Array BinaryValue
Alias BinaryInput
Timestamp AnalogInput
Continuous reading BinaryValue


DB-Net/IP implementation


Value can be reversed as [long timeMs = hodnota * 1000000], time in ms from Unix Epoch e.g. starting 1.1.1970 UTC. Bacnet representation is readonly.

Simple variables

Generated Bacnet objects are read/write enabled.


Driver optimize arrays reading. With DB-Net/IP it is possible to read only limited number of array elements in one step.
On export to Bacnet, arrays are split to individual objects and their name contains suffix _col_row. Index order is inverse to order of DB-Net protocol. That means if we have array of size [1×5], last Bacnet point will have suffix _4_0. Generated Bacnet objects are read/write enabled.

Alias extraction

Variables of type int or long can be automatically extracted to binary aliases on Bacnet. Objects of individual bits are generated as binaryInputs and they are readonly.

Driver settings

Devices editor

On top of the screen is located list of currently configured devices.

Button Description
Add new device
Remove selected devices
Save configuration. :!: Warning! This button saves changes permanently to file. Other buttons on this page are saving changes to configuration in memory. Do not forget to press this button when you are done!
Restart driver and apply saved settings

Device editor

IP addressIP address of Amit device
Port UDP port of Amit device
Station number Number of DB-Net station
Password Password to DB-Net
Local station number Number of Local DB-Net station
Bacnet points prefix Prefix used for Bacnet points name
DescriptionUsers description
Timestamp point name Name of timestamp point in Bacnet
EnabledStart driver and export points to Bacnet
Enable delay between point readingsEnables delay between individual readings of points
Continuous reading point nameName of Bacnet point used for enabling continuous reading
Delay between poolings [s] Duration of delay between individual readings of points in seconds
Cancelation of continuous reading after [s] Continuous reading will be disabled after specified time has elapsed.
Number of telegram sending retries Maximum number of attempts to send telegram when error occurs.
Timeout[ms] Waiting duration for reply fomr Amit
DB file (db.ini) Uploads file DB.ini
HW file (hw.ini) Uploads file HW.ini
Alias file (aliases.csv)Uploads file aliases.csv
Update reference On DB.ini reload updates point parameters with given name or with WID.
Save changes

Points list editor

Button Description
Add point
Remove selected points
Save changes

Point settings

Point name Name of point in Bacnet
WIDWID number
Value typeint/long/float
Lines number Number of array lines
Rows numberNumber of array rows
Description Bacnet property description
Bacnet objectType of Bacnet object
Mat. functionType of mathematical function
ValueInput value of mathematical function
Manual point Assigned point aut/man, as Bacnet property outOfService
Save changes

Editor aliasov

Imported alias names. Alias names are readonly. Name of Bacnet points is generated as mainPoint_alias


Here are displayed read and write errors of DB-Net/IP communication.