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SMS notification

Can send SMS or email on start or end of alarm state.

User configuration

In top menu Tools select option Options

In new window go to SMS tab. Warning! Changes can be saved only when you are logged in!

SMS/Email configuration

  • If you enter phone muber, system will generate SMS (phone mumber must be in format 42190XYYYYYY without spaces or initial + sign)
  • If you enter email address, system will generate email

Configuration of filters and exceptions

Generate SMS/Email on alarms end

When selected, SMS/Email will be generated even on alarms end.

Filter for repeated alarm sending

Allows to set minimum time for which SMS/Emails wont be generated in case of repeating alarms.

Filter for day sending

Allows to define time windows in which SMS/Emails wont be generated.

Alarm configuration

Warning! Changes will be saved only when you are logged in!

On technological scheme of kotolne/ost, open context menu with right-click and select option Point settings .

Then move to option Alarms

Alarms settings is common for SCADA system and Notifications

  • Min. alarm will be generated, when current value is lower as defined minimal value
  • Max. alarm will be generated, when current value is lower as defined maximal value

Assign user to alarm

You can open User editor by clicking on option SMS numbers. There you can assign user to alarm.

SMS/Email text settings

In input box SMS Text you can define text which will be added to generated SMS/Emailu.

Configuration saving

Changes can be saved by clicking on button Save changes

en/sms.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/23 21:29 by

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